If you are planning to kayak, here's what you need to do:
- Confirm date and time in advance with your group.
- Verify date and time as early as possible (one week in advance with your Tour Coordinator is good).
Be courteous! Call if you cancel.
- Comfortable clothing. You may be in water up to your waist when launching your kayak or disembarking. Dress accordingly.
- Gloves are optional. If you have soft hands, a necessity.
- Shoes/sneakers/reef sandals that can withstand water. Diving boots are ideal. Reef sandals can be just as good.
- Lots of drinking water and some snacks.
- A change of clothing is needed at the end of the tour; so don't forget your towel and underwear.
- Insect repellant if you're sensitive to mosquito and/or sand fly bites.
- As a precautionary measure, log your trip with a relative or friend, that is, where you're going, with whom, when you're expected back and who to contact in the event of an emergency.
- Camera.
- Binoculars (optional) If you're a birdwatcher a must.
- Sun Screen, hat and shades. (A good idea!)
- Absolutely no littering so carry a garbage bag.
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